Make a $13 Monthly Pledge and Become Part of the Miracle
In May of 1917, the Virgin Mary appeared to three children calling all people to prayer. She said, “Jesus wishes to make use of you to make me known and loved. He wants to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.” On October 13, she reappeared to the children and a large crowd that gathered witnessed the “Miracle of the Sun” in which the sun “danced” across the sky. As desired, this miracle made many devote themselves to Christ through the Immaculate Heart of Mary which exemplifies her burning love and faith and bids all closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. With the Immaculate Heart as our example, the Retreat Center seeks also to advance Our Lady’s mission to bring all closer to Christ through spiritual nourishment.
Today, you too can participate in the Lady of Fatima’s mission by donating a $13 monthly pledge to Immaculate Heart Retreat Center.
Last year more than 6900 people attended weekend retreats, Days and Evenings of Prayer, and other spiritual programs here at Immaculate Heart. More than 20% of those people needed full or partial support for their retreat costs, including young people attending youth retreats, elderly people, and others who simply cannot otherwise afford to join us for spiritual renewal and rest.
Join us with an annual gift of $240 to cover the full cost of a weekend retreat, or make a Scholarship donation of any size to support a portion of a retreat cost for one or more people.
Make a Memorial or Honorary Gift or a Donation of Any Size
Share in the Retreat Center’s ministry and outreach with your gift in memory of a loved one or friend, or in honor of a special celebration. You can make a donation of any size that we can use “as needed” to support our retreat ministy.
Make a Donation to Support Retreat Ministry
You can make a donation of any size that Immaculate Heart can use “as needed” to support our retreat ministy.
Support our Annual Appeal
Three a year, during Lent, Advent, and Ordinary Time we make a direct request to our friends and donors to support the day-to-day needs of Immaculate Heart’s ministry. To view a copy of our most recent Annual Appeal letter, click here.
The Prayer Walk Legacy
When Immaculate Heart Retreat Center opened in 1959, Msgr. Rosage created The Prayer Walk as a place where visitors could take a casual stroll, and have time for quiet prayer and reflection. Prayer tiles inscribed with special intentions or in the memory of a love one were gifted by individuals and set in the walk-way. People would stop and say a short prayer or reflect on the inscription. Today, you too can continue that legacy of prayer by dedicating a Prayer Stone with your special intention which will be located among the trees between the existing paths in areas named Hope, Peace & Healing. Prayer Stones are $2,000 and your gift can be made over 18 months. For more information about Prayer Stones contact Angie Malone 509-448-1224 ext 105 or contact IHRC.
Estate Planning & Planned Giving
One of the best ways you can support Immaculate Heart Retreat Center for years to come is through a gift in your will. As you plan for the future of your estate, please consider including IHRC as a recipient of a gift. By designating a specific bequest or a portion of any asset for Immaculate Heart, you will make a lasting gift that will continue our ministry and help the people who come to IHRC seeking Hope, Peace and Healing for generations. Gifts to Immaculate Heart through bequests, and estate planning help us insure that we’ll continue to bring our retreat ministries alive for thousands of people every year, changing lives and renewing spirits. Following is example language that you can have added to your will. Example Bequest Language
For more information contact Angie Malone 509-448-1224 ext 105 or Contact IHRC.
Give Your Time
Volunteers are vital to our retreat ministry. We rely on volunteer housekeepers and groundskeepers, and on volunteers for event and office support of various kinds. For more information about volunteering at Immaculate Heart, please contact IHRC.